What Is Christian Living? Exploring Its Essence Through Galatians 2:20


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what is Christian living

What is Christian Living?

Welcome to Christ Focused Living. Today, we explore Galatians 2:20, a key verse that captures the essence of Christian living. Our blog’s central theme reflects this scripture, highlighting how to live a life centered on Christ. We’ll connect scriptural teachings with practical life applications, focusing on faith, identity, and action. Join us as we uncover the transformative power of living in Christ, shaping our daily experiences with His wisdom and grace.

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

Galatians 2:20

Reflecting on Galatians 2:20

Identity in Christ:

Galatians 2:20 is a powerful testament to the transformative experience of Christian faith. This verse illuminates the profound change that ensues upon embracing Christ. This transformation surpasses mere behavioral or cognitive shifts; it signifies a deep, foundational alteration in identity. The imagery of being “crucified with Christ” is particularly poignant, symbolizing the demise of the former self, one governed by sin and worldly inclinations. This is not just a metaphorical death but a spiritual rebirth. In place of the old self, a new being emerges, one whose essence, purpose, and direction are intimately entwined with Jesus Christ.

This new identity is not static; it is a continuous evolution towards Christ-likeness. As believers, we embark on a journey of shedding our former natures and increasingly adopting the attributes of Christ. This process involves cultivating the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control—as mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23. These qualities are not just ideals but tangible manifestations of Christ living within us.

Living by Faith:

The second part of Galatians 2:20 emphasizes a life lived by faith in Jesus, a concept that is central to Christian living. This is more than mere belief; it is an active, dynamic trust in Jesus and His teachings. Living by faith involves viewing the world through the prism of God’s truth and promises. It means making choices, taking actions, and nurturing thoughts that are guided by this unwavering faith.

This faith-based living is deeply relational. It is not a solitary pursuit but one that is continually nurtured through our relationship with Christ and fellow believers. It involves regular engagement with the Bible, prayer, and fellowship, allowing these practices to inform and shape our daily lives. Living by faith also means being receptive to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, allowing it to lead us in decisions, big and small.

Moreover, living by faith is marked by resilience and perseverance. Just as Paul speaks of running the race and fighting the good fight of faith in 2 Timothy 4:7, our journey of faith is akin to a marathon, requiring endurance, focus, and the constant gaze upon Jesus, “the pioneer and perfecter of faith” (Hebrews 12:2). In a world that often challenges Christian values, living by faith entails standing firm in our beliefs and convictions, drawing strength from the assurance of God’s sovereignty and the hope of eternal life.

In conclusion, reflecting on Galatians 2:20 invites us to consider the profound implications of our identity in Christ and the call to live by faith. This dual focus forms the bedrock of Christian living, shaping not only our personal spiritual journeys but also how we interact with the world around us. As we embody these principles, we become living testimonies of the transformative power of faith in Christ.

what is Christian living

Practical Applications: Expanding on “What is Christian Living?”

Embracing a New Identity:

Embracing a new identity in Christ is foundational to Christian living. This transformation goes beyond mere acknowledgment; it involves a complete reorientation of how we view ourselves and our place in the world. As we let go of past self-definitions rooted in personal achievements, failures, or societal labels, we begin to understand our true value and purpose through God’s eyes. This new identity is about recognizing ourselves as loved, forgiven, and redeemed, irrespective of our past or present circumstances.

To fully embrace this new identity, we must also let go of guilt and shame that often cling from past mistakes. Understanding the depth of God’s grace and forgiveness is crucial in this process. As we read in Romans 8:1, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Living in this freedom allows us to move forward in our spiritual journey without being hindered by past regrets.

Daily Trust in Jesus:

Christian living is characterized by a daily, moment-by-moment trust in Jesus. This trust is not just for the significant moments of life but for the everyday decisions, challenges, and joys. In times of triumph, it’s easy to acknowledge His blessings, but the real test of faith often comes during trials. In these moments, seeking Jesus’ guidance, leaning on His promises, and finding solace in His presence becomes vital.

This daily trust also involves surrendering our plans and desires to God’s will. It’s about learning to say, like Jesus did, “not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42). This surrender is not a sign of weakness but of ultimate trust in God’s perfect plan and timing.

Reflecting Christ in Actions:

Reflecting Christ in our actions and words is a tangible expression of our faith. This means showing compassion and love, even in challenging situations, and offering forgiveness, as we have been forgiven. It involves actively seeking to bring peace and justice, following Jesus’ example of caring for the marginalized and speaking against injustices.

Living out our faith also means being a source of encouragement and hope to others. As Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 5:11, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” Our words and deeds should uplift others, reflecting the grace and love we have received from Christ.

Communal and Personal Spiritual Growth:

Christian living thrives in a balance of communal and personal spiritual growth. Being part of a faith community provides a platform for mutual encouragement, learning, and growth. It’s in these communal settings that we find support, accountability, and fellowship, which are vital for our spiritual health.

Simultaneously, personal spiritual disciplines like prayer, Bible study, and meditation are crucial for deepening our relationship with Christ. These practices help us to understand God’s Word, discern His will, and strengthen our faith. As we spend time in God’s presence, we are transformed from the inside out, equipped to face the challenges of life with faith and resilience.

In conclusion, Christian living encompasses embracing our new identity in Christ, daily trusting in Him, reflecting Christ in our actions, and growing spiritually, both individually and communally. These practices are not just ideals but practical steps that guide us to live out our faith in a meaningful, impactful way, shining the light of Christ in all we do.

what is Christian living

A Prayer for Living in Christ

Dear Lord,

Today, we come before You, grateful for the transformative power of Your love and sacrifice. Teach us to fully embrace our new identity in You, letting go of our old selves. Help us to live by faith each day, trusting in Your love and guidance. May our words and actions reflect Your grace and compassion, and may we grow in our relationship with You, both personally and within our community of believers. Lead us in the path of Christian living that honors You in all we do.

In Jesus’ Name, we pray, amen.

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2 thoughts on “What Is Christian Living? Exploring Its Essence Through Galatians 2:20”

  1. Christian living has always been a huge topic of discussion in the church. The pastors talk about it, Christians even talk about it…but in our daily lives, not everyone is ready to walk the right walk. For me, Christian living means that you live with Christ everyday, and that you have a close relationship with God through his example. Whether you wake up early to pray, or that you read your Bible, or you meditate, fast, or doing good action, you must always follow Christ’s example!

  2.  the concept of living by faith can vary across different religious and spiritual traditions. For some, it may involve adherence to specific religious doctrines, rituals, or moral principles, while for others, it may be a more personal and intuitive connection with a higher power. Ultimately, living by faith is a deeply personal and subjective aspect of an individual’s worldview.  This trust in GOD brings comfort, resilience, and a sense of purpose.


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